Invoke method with an array parameter using reflection

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-01 15:22:28

You have two problems:

  1. The target parameter type is String[], but you're passing in a Object[]
  2. You're passing in the whole command array as arguments, which includes the method name

The problems are all in the inner try block, so I show only that code.

String[] args = Arrays.copyOfRange(command, 1, command.length - 1);
method.invoke(null, new Object[]{args}); // must prevent expansion into varargs

Thanks to Perception for reminding me of the varargs issue

The method your trying to invoke is expecting String array, however you are passing Object array as param. Change it to String array Or you can pass any type if the method expects Object.

method.invoke(null,(Object) command );

Zim-Zam O'Pootertoot

Based on this question, it looks like the call should be

 method.invoke(null, command);