How to dynamically execute/eval JavaScript code that contains an ES6 module / requires some dependencies?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-01 05:14:38

After adding some log messages I found out that when using type="module":

  • $('body').append(script); does not execute the module code

  • body.appendChild(script); does asynchronously execute the module code but the events onload and onreadystatechange do not work, even if I use addEventListener(...) instead of script.onload =....

Following work around works for me. It modifies the user source code to include a call to a global callback:

    var sourceCode =  editor.getText(); 

    window.scriptLoadedHook = function(){
        var model = window.createModel();
        console.log('model:' + model);
        window.scriptLoadedHook = undefined;

    var body = document.body;
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'module';
    script.innerHTML = sourceCode + "\n" + 

I try now to find out how to use exports from the <script type="module"> tag to at least get rid of the global function window.createModel:

How to import es6 module that has been defined in <script type="module"> tag inside html?
