
What does it mean by live bindings?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-20 08:39:38
问题 I am following a tutorial and it says ES modules uses live bindings. It means a feature to support cyclical dependencies. But I don't clearly understand this concept. What does this mean? 回答1: Live bindings is a concept introduced in ES modules. It means that when the exporting module changes a value, the change will be visible from the importer side. This is not the case for CommonJS modules. Module exports are copied in CommonJS. Hence importing modules cannot see changes happened on the

What does it mean by live bindings?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-20 08:33:07
问题 I am following a tutorial and it says ES modules uses live bindings. It means a feature to support cyclical dependencies. But I don't clearly understand this concept. What does this mean? 回答1: Live bindings is a concept introduced in ES modules. It means that when the exporting module changes a value, the change will be visible from the importer side. This is not the case for CommonJS modules. Module exports are copied in CommonJS. Hence importing modules cannot see changes happened on the

What does it mean by live bindings?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-20 08:31:11
问题 I am following a tutorial and it says ES modules uses live bindings. It means a feature to support cyclical dependencies. But I don't clearly understand this concept. What does this mean? 回答1: Live bindings is a concept introduced in ES modules. It means that when the exporting module changes a value, the change will be visible from the importer side. This is not the case for CommonJS modules. Module exports are copied in CommonJS. Hence importing modules cannot see changes happened on the

Mutable difference between ES6 named and default exports

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-16 16:38:10
问题 When importing/exporting data from ES6 modules, mutability of that data appears to be different between named imports and exports. Is there a reason for this or some fundamental difference I'm not understanding? // counter.js export let count = 0; export const incrementCount = () => count += 1; export default count; // main-default.js import count, { incrementCount } from './counter'; console.log(count); // 0 incrementCount(); incrementCount(); console.log(count); // 0 // main-named.js import

Mutable difference between ES6 named and default exports

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-16 16:38:09
问题 When importing/exporting data from ES6 modules, mutability of that data appears to be different between named imports and exports. Is there a reason for this or some fundamental difference I'm not understanding? // counter.js export let count = 0; export const incrementCount = () => count += 1; export default count; // main-default.js import count, { incrementCount } from './counter'; console.log(count); // 0 incrementCount(); incrementCount(); console.log(count); // 0 // main-named.js import

How to make summary module that re-exports all the exports of sub-modules for ESM modules?

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-15 07:49:03
问题 How do you re-export the exports from multiple files in an ESM module without listing each individual export separately? I have a CommonJS module directory that consists of a number of files that I would like to convert to ESM imports/exports. Currently, I have an index.js file that contains this: // this just re-exports everything that the sub-modules export module.exports = [ './mapConcurrent.js', './deferred.js', './utils.js', './rateMap.js', './concurrency.js', './retry.js', ].reduce((obj

How to make summary module that re-exports all the exports of sub-modules for ESM modules?

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-15 07:48:18
问题 How do you re-export the exports from multiple files in an ESM module without listing each individual export separately? I have a CommonJS module directory that consists of a number of files that I would like to convert to ESM imports/exports. Currently, I have an index.js file that contains this: // this just re-exports everything that the sub-modules export module.exports = [ './mapConcurrent.js', './deferred.js', './utils.js', './rateMap.js', './concurrency.js', './retry.js', ].reduce((obj

Dynamically export a module by reading all files in a directory in Node.js

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-11 12:53:28
问题 So today i was trying read all default exports from some directory which has index.js . Try to wrap it inside one object and export it back again. Is there a better way to handle this ? export default (() => require('fs') .readdirSync(__dirname) .filter(fileName => !!/.js$/ig.test(fileName)) .map(fileName => fileName.split('.')[0]) .reduce((defaultExportObj, nextFileName) => { try { return { ...defaultExportObj, [nextFileName]: require(__dirname + `/${nextFileName}`), }; }catch(err) { throw

Javascript Library with typings is Not a Module (React Native)

你。 提交于 2021-02-10 20:14:10
问题 I'm trying to integrate a Javascript Library (Microsoft Playfab) into my React Native app as per recommended here. The library comes with typings and has the structure as shown here. I have a file playfabWrapper.ts with the following. /// <reference path="../../node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/Typings/PlayFab/PlayfabClientApi.d.ts" /> import Playfab from 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js'; function test(titleId: string, customId: string/*, success: (data: PlayFabClientModels

Javascript Library with typings is Not a Module (React Native)

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-10 20:10:22
问题 I'm trying to integrate a Javascript Library (Microsoft Playfab) into my React Native app as per recommended here. The library comes with typings and has the structure as shown here. I have a file playfabWrapper.ts with the following. /// <reference path="../../node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/Typings/PlayFab/PlayfabClientApi.d.ts" /> import Playfab from 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js'; function test(titleId: string, customId: string/*, success: (data: PlayFabClientModels