Javascript Library with typings is Not a Module (React Native)

你。 提交于 2021-02-10 20:14:10


I'm trying to integrate a Javascript Library (Microsoft Playfab) into my React Native app as per recommended here. The library comes with typings and has the structure as shown here. I have a file playfabWrapper.ts with the following.

/// <reference path="../../node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/Typings/PlayFab/PlayfabClientApi.d.ts" />

import Playfab from 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js';

function test(titleId: string, customId: string/*, success: (data: PlayFabClientModels.LoginResult) => void, error: (message: string) => void*/): void {
        TitleId: titleId,
        CustomId: customId,
        CreateAccount: true,
    }, (result: any, problem: any) => {

This gives me the error

Could not find a declaration file for module 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js'. '/Users/../project/node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Try `npm install @types/playfab-web-sdk` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.js';`

Then I tried copying the typings from Typings/Playfab and pasting them in the same location as PlayFabClientApi.js. This gives me the following error.

File '/Users/../project/node_modules/playfab-web-sdk/src/PlayFab/PlayFabClientApi.d.ts' is not a module.

Interestingly, if I delete the import line my IDE can detect Playfab correctly but it is always undefined. Am I missing something? Is this kind of library even possible to import? I notice it doesn't have an index.d.ts, could that contribute to the issue? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Yes, if it doesn't have any type info (the index.d.ts file), you can't import it that way. You can tryvar PlayFab = require("...") (but that depends on your context).

