How in JDBC can you call a stored procedure when only setting some parameters

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-30 22:33:19

This feature isn't supported by JDBC. You will have to create an SQL string and execute that:

String sql = "exec my_stored_procedure\n@parameter_1 = ?,\n@parameter_2 = ?,\n@parameter_9 = ?";

PreparedStatement stmt = ...
stmt.setString( 1, "ONE" );
stmt.setString( 2, "TWO" );
stmt.setString( 3, "NINE" );

Remember: JDBC doesn't try to understand the SQL that you're sending to the database except for some special characters like {} and ?. I once wrote a JDBC "database" which would accept JavaScript snippets as "SQL": I simply implemented DataSource, Connection and ResultSet and I could query my application's memory model using the JDBC interface but with JavaScript as query language.

You can try hard coding null or blank in the String

"{call my_stored_procedure (?, ?, null, null, null, null , null, null, ?)}"

myStoredProcedureCall.setString(9, "NINE");

in above code index no 9 but it will be 3 because your parameter sequence start from 1 ;
Alhrough  you can another sql exception.

I think you should use 

myStoredProcedureCall = 
  sybConn.prepareCall("{call my_stored_procedure (?, ?, null, null, null, null , null, null, ?)}");
myStoredProcedureCall.setString(1, "ONE");
myStoredProcedureCall.setString(2, "TWO");
myStoredProcedureCall.setString(3, "NINE");
ResultSet paramResults = myStoredProcedureCall.executeQuery();

// Below works for me def getIDGEN( sTableName ):
proc = db.prepareCall("{ ? = call DB.dbo.usp_IDGEN_string_v6(?, ?) }");

proc.registerOutParameter(3, types.INTEGER)
proc.setString(2, sTableName)
proc.setInt(3, 0)   
li_RI_ID = proc.getInt(3)
print str(li_RI_ID) + " obtained from usp_IDGEN_string_v6"
return li_RI_ID

my sproc is

create proc usp_IDGEN_string_v6 (@tablename  varchar(32) , @ID  numeric )
declare @seq     numeric
declare @nextID  numeric
select @nextID=IDGEN_ID from DB_IDGEN where IDGEN_TableName = @tablename
select @seq=@nextID + 1 from DB_IDGEN where IDGEN_Table
 Name = @tablename
update DB_IDGEN set IDGEN_ID = @seq where IDGEN_TableName = @tablename
select @ID  = @seq
return @ID