Best way to convert text files between character sets?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-11-25 22:38:35


What is the fastest, easiest tool or method to convert text files between character sets?

Specifically, I need to convert from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-15 and vice versa.

Everything goes: one-liners in your favorite scripting language, command-line tools or other utilities for OS, web sites, etc.

Best solutions so far:

On Linux/UNIX/OS X/cygwin:

  • Gnu iconv suggested by Troels Arvin is best used as a filter. It seems to be universally available. Example:

    $ iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 in.txt > out.txt

    As pointed out by Ben, there is an online converter using iconv.

  • Gnu recode (manual) suggested by Cheekysoft will convert one or several files in-place. Example:

    $ recode UTF8..ISO-8859-15 in.txt

    This one uses shorter aliases:

    $ recode utf8..l9 in.txt

    Recode also supports surfaces which can be used to convert between different line ending types and encodings:

    Convert newlines from LF (Unix) to CR-LF (DOS):

    $ recode ../CR-LF in.txt

    Base64 encode file:

    $ recode ../Base64 in.txt

    You can also combine them.

    Convert a Base64 encoded UTF8 file with Unix line endings to Base64 encoded Latin 1 file with Dos line endings:

    $ recode utf8/Base64..l1/CR-LF/Base64 file.txt

On Windows with Powershell (Jay Bazuzi):

  • PS C:\\> gc -en utf8 in.txt | Out-File -en ascii out.txt

    (No ISO-8859-15 support though; it says that supported charsets are unicode, utf7, utf8, utf32, ascii, bigendianunicode, default, and oem.)


Do you mean iso-8859-1 support? Using \"String\" does this e.g. for vice versa

gc -en string in.txt | Out-File -en utf8 out.txt

Note: The possible enumeration values are \"Unknown, String, Unicode, Byte, BigEndianUnicode, UTF8, UTF7, Ascii\".

  • CsCvt - Kalytta\'s Character Set Converter is another great command line based conversion tool for Windows.


Stand-alone utility approach

iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 in.txt > out.txt
-f ENCODING  the encoding of the input
-t ENCODING  the encoding of the output

You don't have to specify either of these arguments. They will default to your current locale, which is usually UTF-8.



If you have vim you can use this:

Not tested for every encoding.

The cool part about this is that you don't have to know the source encoding

vim +"set nobomb | set fenc=utf8 | x" filename.txt

Be aware that this command modify directly the file

Explanation part!

  1. + : Used by vim to directly enter command when opening a file. Usualy used to open a file at a specific line: vim +14 file.txt
  2. | : Separator of multiple commands (like ; in bash)
  3. set nobomb : no utf-8 BOM
  4. set fenc=utf8 : Set new encoding to utf-8 doc link
  5. x : Save and close file
  6. filename.txt : path to the file
  7. " : qotes are here because of pipes. (otherwise bash will use them as bash pipe)


Under Linux you can use the very powerful recode command to try and convert between the different charsets as well as any line ending issues. recode -l will show you all of the formats and encodings that the tool can convert between. It is likely to be a VERY long list.



iconv -f FROM-ENCODING -t TO-ENCODING file.txt

Also there are iconv-based tools in many languages.


Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 FILE-UTF8.TXT | Out-File -Encoding UTF7 FILE-UTF7.TXT

The shortest version, if you can assume that the input BOM is correct:

gc FILE.TXT | Out-File -en utf7 file-utf7.txt


Try iconv Bash function

I've put this into .bashrc:

    iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $1 > $1.tmp
    rm $1
    mv $1.tmp $1
} be able to convert files like so:



Try Notepad++

On Windows I was able to use Notepad++ to do the conversion from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. Click "Encoding" and then "Convert to UTF-8".


Oneliner using find, with automatic character set detection

The character encoding of all matching text files gets detected automatically and all matching text files are converted to utf-8 encoding:

$ find . -type f -iname *.txt -exec sh -c 'iconv -f $(file -bi "$1" |sed -e "s/.*[ ]charset=//") -t utf-8 -o converted "$1" && mv converted "$1"' -- {} \;

To perform these steps, a sub shell sh is used with -exec, running a one-liner with the -c flag, and passing the filename as the positional argument "$1" with -- {}. In between, the utf-8 output file is temporarily named converted.

Whereby file -bi means:

  • -b, --brief Do not prepend filenames to output lines (brief mode).

  • -i, --mime Causes the file command to output mime type strings rather than the more traditional human readable ones. Thus it may say for example text/plain; charset=us-ascii rather than ASCII text. The sed command cuts this to only us-ascii as is required by iconv.

The find command is very useful for such file management automation. Click here for more find galore.


PHP iconv()

iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15", $input);


DOS/Windows: use Code page

chcp 65001>NUL
type ascii.txt > unicode.txt

Command chcp can be used to change the code page. Code page 65001 is Microsoft name for UTF-8. After setting code page, the output generated by following commands will be of code page set.


to write properties file (Java) normally I use this in linux (mint and ubuntu distributions):

$ native2ascii

For example:

$ cat 
first=Execução número um
second=Execução número dois

$ native2ascii 
first=Execu\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00famero um
second=Execu\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00famero dois

PS: I writed Execution number one/two in portugues to force special characters.

In my case, in first execution I received this message:

$ native2ascii teste.txt 
The program 'native2ascii' can be found in the following packages:
 * gcj-5-jdk
 * openjdk-8-jdk-headless
 * gcj-4.8-jdk
 * gcj-4.9-jdk
Try: sudo apt install <selected package>

When I installed the first option (gcj-5-jdk) the problem was finished.

I hope this help someone.


With ruby:

ruby -e "File.write('output.txt','input.txt').encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ''))"



Use this Python script: Works on any platform. Requires Python 2.7.


My favorite tool for this is Jedit (a java based text editor) which has two very convenient features :

  • One which enables the user to reload a text with a different encoding (and, as such, to control visually the result)
  • Another one which enables the user to explicitly choose the encoding (and end of line char) before saving


Simply change encoding of loaded file in IntelliJ IDEA IDE, on the right of status bar (bottom), where current charset is indicated. It prompts to Reload or Convert, use Convert. Make sure you backed up original file in advance.


As described on How do I correct the character encoding of a file? Synalyze It! lets you easily convert on OS X between all encodings supported by the ICU library.

Additionally you can display some bytes of a file translated to Unicode from all the encodings to see quickly which is the right one for your file.

