UglifyJS throws unexpected token: keyword (const) with node_modules

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-30 05:35:21

November 2018 update :

Use terser-webpack-plugin for ES6 (webpack@5 will use this plugin for uglification)

npm install terser-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Then define in your plugins array

const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin')

  new TerserPlugin({
    parallel: true,
    terserOptions: {
      ecma: 6,


UglifyJS does not support es6. const is an es6 declaration, so it throws an error.

What is weird is that the package you use does not transpile its files to es5 to be used anywhere.

If you want to still use UglifyJS (to re-use the configuration for example) use the ES6+ compatible version, uglify-es. (Warning: uglify-es is now abandoned.)

And as Ser mentionned, you should now use terser-webpack-plugin.

I just had this issue with a Gulp project I refactored and for some reason I was having trouble with the official Terser Gulp plugin. This one (gulp-terser) worked with no issues.

Use uglify-es-webpack-plugin is better

    const UglifyEsPlugin = require('uglify-es-webpack-plugin')

    module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            new UglifyEsPlugin({
                    drop_console: true

I have replaced UglifyJS with YUI Compressor JS inside the GUI of PHPStorm.. It works now.

I don't really think that this approach is good, but in my case I needed to do this once and forget about that, so I just went to babel's website , transpile es6 to es5 online and replaced the output!
