Publishing ASP.NET 3.5 Site Leaves Web.config Empty Due to providerOptions Element

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-29 18:06:07

Well, since I couldn't find anything specific I just went ahead and did what I thought might be the solution: I made my own file and placed it in with the schema files. I called it the inventive name ThreeFive.xml and placed it at C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\schema. The entire contents of the file are as follows:

    <sectionSchema name="system.codedom">
        <element name="compilers">
            <collection addElement="compiler" removeElement="remove" clearElement="clear">
                <attribute name="language" type="string" isCombinedKey="true" />
                <attribute name="extension" type="string" isCombinedKey="true" />
                <attribute name="type" type="string" />
                <attribute name="warningLevel" type="int" />
                <attribute name="compilerOptions" type="string" />
                <collection addElement="providerOption">
                  <attribute name="name" required="true" isUniqueKey="true" type="string" />
                  <attribute name="value" required="true" type="string" />

I then published a 3.5 site that retrieved information from an appconfig setting and did some LINQ to make sure the config and the 3.5 were in effect. The config file was not blanked and the LINQ is working as expected so I am tempted to call this a solution.
