Understanding Frama-C slicer results

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-29 11:12:53

In Frama-C, the slicing plug-in relies on the result of a preliminary static analysis plug-in called the value analysis.

This value analysis can represent the values for variable a when a == 0 (the set of values is in this case { 0 }) but has a hard time to represent the values for a when it is known that a != 0. In the latter case, if a is not already known to be positive or negative, the value analysis plug-in needs to approximate the set of values for a. If a was known to be positive, for instance if it was an unsigned int, then the nonzero values could be represented as an interval, but the value analysis plug-in cannot represent “all values of type int except 0”.

If you are willing to change the pre-condition, you can write it in a form that is more easily understood by the value analysis plug-in (together with value analysis option -slevel):

$ cat t.c
/*@ requires a < 0 || a > 0 ;
  @ ensures \old(a) == a;
  @ ensures \result == 0;

int f(int a){
int x;
if(a == 0)
    x = 0;
else if(a != 0)
    x = 1;
return x;
$ frama-c -slevel 10 t.c -main f -slice-return f -then-on 'Slicing export' -print 
/* Generated by Frama-C */
/*@ ensures \result ≡ 0; */
int f(void)
  int x;
  x = 1;
  return x;

This has no relevance whatsoever with your main question, but your ensures a == \old(a) clause is not doing what you expect. If you pretty-print your source code with option -print, you will see it has been silently transformed into ensures \old(a) == \old(a).

The ACSL language does not permit referring about the value of formal variables in the post-state, mostly because this is meaningless from the point of view of the caller. (The stack frame of the callee is popped after the call terminates.)
