Return the nth digit of a number [closed]

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-28 12:53:54

Without spoon-feeding you the code:

The nth digit is (the remainder of dividing by 10n) divided by 10n-1

If you wanted an iterative approach:

Loop n times, each time assigning to the number variable the result of dividing the number by 10.
After the loop, the nth digit is the remainder of dividing the number by 10.


FYI The remainder operator is %, so eg 32 % 10 = 2, and integer division drops remainders.

Arun Chandrasekhara Pillai
static int dig(int a, int b) {
    int i, digit=1;
    for(i=b-1; i>0; i++)
        digit = digit*10;
    digit = (a/digit) % 10;
    return digit;

The other way is convert the digit into array and return the nth index

static char digit(int a,int b)
        String x=a+"";
        char x1[]=x.toCharArray();
        int length=x1.length;
        char result=x1[length-b];
        return result;

Now run from your main method like this way

System.out.println("digit answer  "+digit(1254,3));


digit answer  2

Convert number to string and then use the charAt() method.

class X{   
    static char digit(int a,int n)
        String x=a+"";
        return x.charAt(n-1); 

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(X.digit(123, 2));

You may want to double check that the nth position is within the length of the number:

static char digit(int a, int n) {
    String x = a + "";
    char digit='\0' ;
    if (n > 0 && n <= x.length()) {
        digit = x.charAt(n - 1);
    return digit;