Displaying database columns based on current language

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-28 11:47:59

Assuming you set locale in your application using:


if you use Eloquent, you can add to your model class accesssor:

public function getNameAttribute($value) {
    return $this->{'name_'.App::getLocale()};

and also mutator:

public function setNameAttribute($value) {
    $this->{'name_'.App::getLocale()} = $value;

Assuming you added those functions to Content model you can now use:

$content = Content::first(); // find first article
echo $content->name;  // displaying its name

$content->name = 'updated content'; // changing its name
$content->save(); // saving

This will cause displaying and changing name_{$lang} if you set lang using setLocale
