Fortran: Choosing the rank of an allocatable array

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-11-28 06:38:30


I am trying to write a program where I want the allocatable array A to be of either rank 1, 2, or 3, depending on my input at run-time. I want to do this since the subsequent operations on A are similar, and I have defined in a module an interface work with module procedures that when acted on A, gives the desired result.

What I am doing currently is this:

program main
implicit none
integer :: rank,n=10
real*8, allocatable :: A1(:)
real*8, allocatable :: A2(:,:)
read (*,*) rank

if (rank.eq.1) then
    allocate (A1(n))
else if (rank.eq.2) then
    allocate (A2(n,n))
end if

! operate on the array
if (rank.eq.1) then
    call work(A1)
else if (rank.eq.2) then
    call work(A2)
end if

end program

Things would be much easier if somehow I could choose the rank of A, as then the if statements are not needed. Maybe this is not possible, but all help are appreciated.


The next Fortran standard (2015) has the select rank construct similar to select case. My example uses the select case construct on the rank intrinsic of an assumed-rank dummy variable.

    module my_type

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, &
       ip => INT32, &
       wp => REAL64

  implicit none
  public :: MyType

  type MyType
     real (wp)              :: rank0
     real (wp), allocatable :: rank1(:)
     real (wp), allocatable :: rank2(:,:)
     real (wp), allocatable :: rank3(:,:,:)
     procedure :: create => create_my_type
     procedure :: destroy => destroy_my_type
  end type MyType


  subroutine create_my_type(this, array)
    ! calling arguments
    class (MyType), intent (in out) :: this
    real (wp),      intent (in)     :: array(..) !! Assumed-rank dummy variable

    ! local variables
    integer (ip), allocatable :: r(:)

    select case(rank(array))
    case (0)
    case (1)
       r = shape(array)
       allocate( this%rank1(r(1)) )
    case (2)
       r = shape(array)
       allocate( this%rank2(r(1), r(2)) )
    case (3)
       r = shape(array)
       allocate( this%rank3(r(1), r(2), r(3)) )
    case default
       error stop 'array must have rank 0,1,2, or 3'
    end select

    ! Release memory
    if (allocated(r)) deallocate( r )

  end subroutine create_my_type

  subroutine destroy_my_type(this)
    ! calling arguments
    class (MyType), intent (in out) :: this

    if (allocated(this%rank1)) deallocate( this%rank1 )
    if (allocated(this%rank2)) deallocate( this%rank2 )
    if (allocated(this%rank3)) deallocate( this%rank3 )

  end subroutine destroy_my_type

end module my_type

program main

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: &
       ip => INT32, &
       wp => REAL64

  use my_type, only: &

  implicit none

  type (MyType) :: foo
  real (wp)     :: a0, a1(42), a2(42,42), a3(42,42,42)

  print *, rank(a0)
  print *, rank(a1)
  print *, rank(a2)
  print *, rank(a3)

  ! Allocate array of rank 3
  call foo%create(a3)

  print *, rank(foo%rank3)
  print *, shape(foo%rank3)
  print *, size(foo%rank3)

  ! Release memory
  call foo%destroy()

end program main


Declare the array to be rank three. If a lower rank array is required, allocate the relevant trailing dimensions to be of size one.

real, allocatable :: array(:,:,:)
select case (desired_rank)
case (1) ; allocate(array(n,1,1))
case (2) ; allocate(array(n,n,1))
case (3) ; allocate(array(n,n,n))
case default ; error stop 'bad desired rank'
end select

You can then use an array section to get a contiguous slice of array that is consistent with your desired rank. Alternatively, write the relevant procedures that operate on array to take a rank three argument, and make them aware of the meaning of a size one extent for the higher dimensions.

