Mongoosejs refresh a document

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-19 01:20:51


Suppose I have a document for example: var doc = Model.findOne({name:"name"});

Now if the document gets edited trough another connection the the database, doc doesn't hold the right information. I do need it, so I have to "refresh" or "redownload" it from the database. Is there any way to do this with only the object "doc"?


Assuming doc contains the document instance to refresh, you can do this to generically refresh it:

doc.model(doc.constructor.modelName).findOne({_id: doc._id},
    function(err, newDoc) {
        if (!err) {
            doc = newDoc;

However, it's better to not persist/cache Mongoose document instances beyond your immediate need for them. Cache the immutable _id of docs you need to quickly access, not the docs themselves.


Sorry I know this is old but I have a better solution in case anyone else is still looking around.

What you can do in this situation of concurrent access to the same document is perform a normal save.

Mongoose uses the __v property of an object to make sure old instances don't overwrite the newest ones.

So if you have 2 instances of doc.__v = 0, and A saves first, the db now has doc.__v = 1. So that when B saves, it'll error and because B.__v = 0, not 1. So what you can do is then catch the error (it should be a specific mongoose error) and handle it by refreshing the object, (which should bump it up to __v = 1) then either SAVE it or not SAVE it depending on what you want to do.

so in code (err, _doc) {
    if (err) {
        if (err.some_error_property_telling_you_version_was_wrong) {
            // Do your business here 
            // Refresh your object
            // Model.findById(doc._id, function (err, _refreshed_doc) {});
            // doc = _refreshed_doc;
            // doc.set('property', value); set the value again
            // Then re-save? or maybe make this a recursive function,
            // so it can keep trying to save the object?
        } else {
            // Handle it like a normal error

