Drawing a grid on a UIView in Swift

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-19 00:51:24


I am very new to Swift. Am trying to draw a grid (like a graph page) on a UIView in Swift. The code is running but I don't see any lines. I don't see what I did wrong.

In the Storyboard I added a View onto the ViewController.

In code I created a GridView.swift and added it to the View above. Here is the code for GridView class. The function draw is being called and the code running without any errors. Its just doing what I thought it would do.

Its not even drawing one line (I remove the for loop and just try to draw one line). This seems so basic that it should work.

import Foundation
import UIKit

class GridView: UIView 
    fileprivate var gridWidthMultiple: CGFloat
        return 10
    fileprivate var gridHeightMultiple : CGFloat
        return 20

    fileprivate var gridWidth: CGFloat
        return bounds.width/CGFloat(gridWidthMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridHeight: CGFloat
        return bounds.height/CGFloat(gridHeightMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridCenter: CGPoint {
        return CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)

    fileprivate func drawGrid()
        let path = UIBezierPath()
        path.lineWidth = 5.0

        for index in 1...Int(gridWidthMultiple) - 1
            let start = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y: 0)
            let end = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y:bounds.height)
            path.move(to: start)
            path.addLine(to: end)

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)


Just Copy and paste the below code and you will be good to go. I haven't check your logic of drawing correct grid i have just solved the not drawing issue. If it draw wrong grid then i will re-check your grid logic for now it just help you to draw something using UIBezierPath

class GridView: UIView
    private var path = UIBezierPath()
    fileprivate var gridWidthMultiple: CGFloat
        return 10
    fileprivate var gridHeightMultiple : CGFloat
        return 20

    fileprivate var gridWidth: CGFloat
        return bounds.width/CGFloat(gridWidthMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridHeight: CGFloat
        return bounds.height/CGFloat(gridHeightMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridCenter: CGPoint {
        return CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)

    fileprivate func drawGrid()
        path = UIBezierPath()
        path.lineWidth = 5.0

        for index in 1...Int(gridWidthMultiple) - 1
            let start = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y: 0)
            let end = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y:bounds.height)
            path.move(to: start)
            path.addLine(to: end)

        for index in 1...Int(gridHeightMultiple) - 1 {
            let start = CGPoint(x: 0, y: CGFloat(index) * gridHeight)
            let end = CGPoint(x: bounds.width, y: CGFloat(index) * gridHeight)
            path.move(to: start)
            path.addLine(to: end)

        //Close the path.


    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)

        // Specify a border (stroke) color.


if you want make the draw logic when view is initialise but you actually want to draw the lines later i.e. when some special event occur. Bellow class have two methods drawGridWithStoreColor and removeGrid this will help you to draw grid when ever you want and remove grid when ever you want.

class GridView: UIView
    private var path = UIBezierPath()
    var gridLayer: CAShapeLayer?

    fileprivate var gridWidthMultiple: CGFloat
        return 10
    fileprivate var gridHeightMultiple : CGFloat
        return 20

    fileprivate var gridWidth: CGFloat
        return bounds.width/CGFloat(gridWidthMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridHeight: CGFloat
        return bounds.height/CGFloat(gridHeightMultiple)

    fileprivate var gridCenter: CGPoint {
        return CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)

    fileprivate func drawGrid()
        path = UIBezierPath()
        path.lineWidth = 5.0

        for index in 1...Int(gridWidthMultiple) - 1
            let start = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y: 0)
            let end = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(index) * gridWidth, y:bounds.height)
            path.move(to: start)
            path.addLine(to: end)


    //Call this method with your stroke color when you want to draw this grid
    func drawGridWithColor(borderColor: UIColor) {
        //Close the path.
        if gridLayer == nil {
            gridLayer = CAShapeLayer()
            gridLayer?.lineWidth = 5.0;
            gridLayer?.path = path.cgPath
            gridLayer?.strokeColor = borderColor.cgColor

            //Above line will add this grid at the very top of this view.

            // if you want to add this grid below some layer/object you can use method
            //self.layer.insertSublayer(gridLayer, at: 0)
            //Give the index number to this method so that it can place this grid at the index

        }else {
            gridLayer?.strokeColor = borderColor.cgColor

    func removeGrid() {
        guard let gLayer = gridLayer else {return}

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)

