How to modify or custom sessionId in spring session project?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-16 20:53:09


My project use Spring Boot and Spring Session,now i want to modify or custom sessionId before session data persistence in redis,How should I do? thanks!


Maybe you need to go through the docs Spring Session works well with spring boot

Docs :

It will tell you that coupling the custom implementation with @EnableSpringHttpSession support allow to easily reuse existing Spring Session configuration facilities and infrastructure.

The tenth chapter 10. Custom SessionRepository will tell what you want.


Spring Session currently does not provide a way to specify custom session id generation strategy, so unfortunately the only way to do this at the moment is indeed to provide a custom SessionRepository implementation.

We do however have an existing ticket in our issue tracker for this, so please vote if you'd like to see this prioritized.

