
How to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest and return results?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-13 11:08:39
问题 I'm using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to get data from database, here is the code : function getCountArticle(contentCurValue) { var handleSuccess = function (res) { var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText); var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords; alert(contentCountPubmed); //return 15 for example }; var handleFailure = function () { alert("Error connecting data : Bad pubmed query"); }; var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure,

How to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest and return results?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-13 11:08:09
问题 I'm using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to get data from database, here is the code : function getCountArticle(contentCurValue) { var handleSuccess = function (res) { var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText); var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords; alert(contentCountPubmed); //return 15 for example }; var handleFailure = function () { alert("Error connecting data : Bad pubmed query"); }; var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure,

Why does datatable not print when looping in rmarkdown?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-21 15:32:23
问题 I am working on creating a dynamic rmarkdown document. The end result should create a tab for each 'classification' in the data. Each tab should have a datatable, from the DT package, with the data printed to it. Below is the code I have been using: --- output: html_document --- # Setup{.tabset} ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) library(knitr) library(DT) ``` ```{r data.setup} set.seed = 1242 rows = 64 data.1 = runif(rows, 25, 75) data.2 = runif(rows, .01, 1)

Do javascript variables have a storage limit?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-18 19:08:12
问题 Do javascript variables have a storage capacity limit? I'm designing one YUI datatable where I fetch the data from database and store it in a js object and wherever required I'll extract it and update the YUI datatable. Right now in Dev I've very few records and its storing correctly. In production I may have 1000s of records, this js object is capable to store all these 1000s of records? If its not capable I'll create on hidden textarea in jsp and store the data there 回答1: Yes, objects and

YUI DataTable using KnockoutJS bindings

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-13 06:07:44
问题 I have an example working at JSFiddle. It has a piece of JSON consumed by a YUI DataTable which I need to create using KnockoutJS bindings. I'm fairly new to KnockoutJS and would like to know how this can be done. The table should be created under the markup - <div class="yui3-skin-sam" id="datatable"></div>​ The code goes as below - YUI().use('datatable', 'datasource-local', 'datasource-jsonschema',function(Y){ var data = {"generations": [{ "type": "Modern", "showName": "The Modern

cell merge in datatable at primefaces

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-11 04:07:11
问题 I am new to primefaces. I have one datatable in my application. In that for 3 columns i need to merge some rows. That row count will be generated dynamically based on the data. If I tried to use rowspan in that particular column tag, it additionally created blank cells and the total datatable format is changed. How to do merge that datarows in primefaces. For reference, I am attaching the design and code. Xhtml code: <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Date"></h:outputText> </f:facet

How to parse NULL value returned using YUI datasource

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-11 03:43:12
问题 I am using YUI datatable and datasource to render data in one of my projects. The data returned happens to be NULL and YUI datasource is unable to parse it. Below is the declaration code of datasource and datatable. For readability sake, I am seperating each of the declarations. Column Descriptions declaration var columnDescription = [ {key:'Requirements'}, {key:'abc'}, {key:'xyz'} ]; This columnDescription is set in the function below. DataSource Declaration var dataSrcSample = new YAHOO

Client-side filter of YUI Datatable with select list?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-10 16:32:01
问题 Can I filter the rows of a static dataset using multiple drop-down menus and a paginated YUI datatable ? http://www.mappingbahia.org/project/iguape_dataset.html 回答1: Each YAHOO.widget component such as YUI DataTable uses a YUI DataSource component which provides data needed To populate each rendered YAHOO.widget component . Bellow you can see how it works Notice each YAHOO.widget component internally makes a call To The underlying YUI datasource Through sendRequest method (See step 1). Now

Call click event on last clicked row in YUI datatable

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-07 09:50:16
问题 I have a YUI datatable and I have a function which is invoked when I click on a row: ... YAHOO.keycoes.myDatatable = myDatatable; ... myDatatable.subscribe("rowClickEvent", oneventclickrow); var oneventclickrow = function( args ) { ... } I'd like to invoke the function subscribed to rowClickEvent on the row which is currently highlighted in the datatable (the row which was clicked for the last time). I've tried to do something like this: YAHOO.keycoes.myDatatable.getSelectedRows()[0]

How to use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest and return results?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-05 17:12:19
I'm using YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to get data from database, here is the code : function getCountArticle(contentCurValue) { var handleSuccess = function (res) { var countPubmed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(res.responseText); var contentCountPubmed = countPubmed.totalArticleRecords; alert(contentCountPubmed); //return 15 for example }; var handleFailure = function () { alert("Error connecting data : Bad pubmed query"); }; var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, timeout: 5000 }; var sURL = 'qct-list-article.html?term=' + contentCurValue + '&retstart=0' + '&retmax=1';