
jQgrid after Click on Reload Grid button, all data get disappear

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-25 02:14:58
问题 I am new in jqGrid programming. I am using inline editing jQgrid with add, edit and reload grid functionality. When I come on page, grid loaded successfully. But after Click on reload grid button, all data from grid get disappear. The worst part is after click, its not event making Ajax call to web service. I go through the code but I didn't find any fault in my code. Below I have given my entire jqgrid code, please refer and let me know where I went wrong. function RenderOGPGrid() { var

jqgrid inlineNav add - show save icon on added row

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-24 03:55:38
问题 I am using the inlineNav option of jqgrid to add a 'add' option to the toolbar. I am also using a actions formatter for edit and delete. When I add a new row, the newly added row has an edit icon and a cancel icon, whereas the save icon is on the toolbar next to the add. Is there a way to specify that the newly added row have a save and cancel icon instead of having the edit icon? 回答1: In case anyone has a similar question. I ended up rolling my own formatter. inlineNavAction = function

search in jqGrid

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 19:02:23
问题 i'm starter in jqGrid, i write this code for build jqGrid in ASP.NET var grid = $('#list'); grid.jqGrid({ url: 'jQGridHandler.ashx', postData: { ActionPage: 'CostTypes', Action: 'Fill' }, ajaxGridOptions: { cache: false }, direction: "rtl", datatype: 'json', height: 490, colNames: ['CostId', 'CostNo', 'CostName', 'Remark '], colModel: [ { name: 'COST_ID', width: 100, sortable: true, search:true, editable: false, hidden: true, key: true, index: 'COST_ID' }, { name: 'COST_NO', width: 100,

How to implement inline Editining in jqgrid

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-13 08:58:58
问题 i want implement inline editing in jqgrid. i have form Like the picture below i want user can enter just number in Amount textBox and And select CurrencyUnit after that go to row 2 and enter Amount and etc. but when select row 2 data row 1 reset Like the picture below in this pictute i enter Amount and select CurrencyUnit and i Wana select Row 2 when select row 2 i write this code jQuery(document).ready(function () { var localstr = "0:Select Ones;"; localstr = "1:Rial"; localstr += ";2:Dollar

Replace Delete Icon of jqGrid with custom Icon

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-13 07:15:27
问题 I wanted to change just the delete Icon of jqGrid in actions column with my own Icon(newTrash-icon.png) . I've seen that jqGrid loads Icon from one png icons file. How do I replace the default trashcan Icon with some other trashcan Icon. I tried below code but it doesn't work. In my gridComplete $('.ui-icon-trash').removeClass('ui-icon-trash').addClass('ui-icon-customtrash'); In my CSS .ui-icon-customtrash { background: url("~/Images/newTrash-icon.png"); background-position: -64px -16px; } I

Custom Buttons in inline editing like we have in pagination div in jqgrid

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:52
问题 Is it possible to add the custom button in each row while using inline editing in jqgrid like we have a provision to add in pagination div using .navButtonAdd() function? If possible can any one suggest how to do the same... 回答1: You can define an "Actions" column with a formatter. Look here jqgrid EditActionIconsColumn Events and here http://blog.anupamgupta.me/2010/05/enable-inline-editing-in-jqgrid/ 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16514520/custom-buttons-in-inline-editing-like-we

How to change color theme and font size of jqgrid

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-12 01:09:37
问题 I have created application in MVC 4, jquery and jqgrid. I have used jqgrid in one of page as below: $('#g).jqGrid({ ajaxGridOptions: { error: function () { $('#g')[0].grid.hDiv.loading = false; alert('An error has occurred.'); } }, url: '@Url.Action("Getvalues", "cntrollName")/' + 0, postData: { ID: rowID }, datatype: 'json', jsonReader: { root: 'List', page: 'Page', total: 'TotalPages', records: 'TotalCount', repeatitems: false, id: 'ID' }, mtype: 'GET', colNames: ['GrdID', Name], colModel:

jqGrid with Ajax data (JSON) : load data in grid using “url” parameter from azure database

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-11 07:26:54
问题 I have one doubt with ajax implementation. I could find that "url" parameter need to be defined as "service_name1.azure-mobile.net/tables/" to fetch data to populate grid. But I need to add request header "X-ZUMO-APPLICATION" to define application key. To accomplish this, I think I have to make a httprequest with proper headers in a function and need to set reference of that function in some parameter of jqGrid to load data. Can you point out how is it possible to achieve? Page on which

Setting default Value Inline Add Jqgrid

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-10 23:18:47
问题 Currently I have a requirement in a system where I need to repeat much of the data from the last row entered. Actualy this is my Grid: $('#list').jqGrid({ colNames: ['VendedorId', 'Vendedor', 'Especie', 'Cabezas', 'Kilos', 'Precio', 'Guías Venta', 'Vencimiento'], colModel: [ { hidden: true, name: 'VendedorId' }, { editable: true, width: 160, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { dataUrl: '/Clientes/CmbClientes' }, editrules: { required: true }, name: 'Vendedor' }, { editable: true, width: 70,

jqgrid addRow saveRow beforeSend

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-08 09:31:22
问题 I have a jqGrid that I am adding a new row to that the user can edit. They have a button to save the new row. I need to get to the ajax beforeSend to stuff some security into the call. This is working in several other scenarios with the grid, but, not this one. Not sure what is going on. Here is how I am adding the new row: jQuery("#myTable").jqGrid('addRow',{ rowID : "new_row", initdata : {}, position :"first", useDefValues : false, useFormatter : false, addRowParams : {extraparam:{}}); Here