List passed to join doesn't produce the correct output

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-11 14:57:39


I collect some information using the following method:

proc getJobinfo {question} {
    puts -nonewline "$question: "
    flush stdout
    gets stdin answer
    set cleanedanswer [string trim [::textutil::string::capEachWord $answer]]
    if {$cleanedanswer eq ""} {
       throw {Value Empty} {Input cannot be empty!}
    return $cleanedanswer

and capture the result like this:

set systemTime [clock seconds]
set yearmonthday [clock format $systemTime -format %Y%m%d-%H%M%S]

set company_name [getJobinfo "Company Name"]
set position [getJobinfo "Position"]

I need to add it to a list so that I can join it to create a path.

Following the join documentation I tried this:

set submission_path [join {$company_name $position $yearmonthday} "\\"]

Suppose I answered with Microsoft and Software Engineer as the input, I expected to get:

Microsoft\Software Engineer\20200509-1108

Instead I get:


Can someone elaborate on why? and how to fix it?


It's only coming down to quoting. So essentially what you should do instead is to use something that's not braces because you want to allow for variable substitution:

set submission_path [join "$company_name $position $yearmonthday" "\\"]

The above works, but the recommended way to do it in this case, since you're effectively joining a list, is to use the list command:

set submission_path [join [list $company_name $position $yearmonthday] "\\"]

