Events order between DOM event and sencha event

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-11 14:35:43


I've a dataview, written with extjs 7.1 modern tookit, with a template with an anchor tag and a select event:

    renderTo: document.body,

    xtype: 'list',
    itemTpl: '<div class="contact"><a onclick="event.preventDefault();console.log(\'link\');" href="{firstName}">{firstName}</a> <b>{lastName}</b></div>',

    store: {

        data: [{
            firstName: 'Peter',
            lastName: 'Venkman'
        }, {
            firstName: 'Raymond',
            lastName: 'Stantz'
        }, {
            firstName: 'Egon',
            lastName: 'Spengler'
        }, {
            firstName: 'Winston',
            lastName: 'Zeddemore'
    listeners: {
        select() { console.log('select'); }

I expect the link event will be fired before the list select event, but the opposite happens and even worst both events will be fired one after another.


I'm trying to understand where the user clicks as you suggest but I don't know how.

As @LightNight said, you can use childtap event to run needed handler before select. If you want to understand where the click occurred - just use Look my example


how about onItemDisclosure property of list instead of a link?

use onItemDisclosure function and select listener to separate two actions.

onItemDisclosure : Boolean / Function / String / Object BINDABLE

Set to true to display a disclosure icon on each list item. The list will then fire the disclose event, and the event can be stopped before childtap. By setting this config to a function, the function passed will be called when the disclosure is tapped. This can be either a function object or the name of a method.

Finally you can specify an object with a scope and handler property defined. This will also be bound to the tap event listener and is useful when you want to change the scope of the handler.

xtype: 'list',
itemTpl: [
    '<div class="contact">',
    '{firstName} {lastName}',
onItemDisclosure: function (record, btn, index) {
    Ext.Msg.alert('Tap', 'Disclose more info for ' + record.get('firstName'), Ext.emptyFn);
store: {

    data: [{
        firstName: 'Peter',
        lastName: 'Venkman'
    }, {
        firstName: 'Raymond',
        lastName: 'Stantz'
    }, {
        firstName: 'Egon',
        lastName: 'Spengler'
    }, {
        firstName: 'Winston',
        lastName: 'Zeddemore'
listeners: {
        select() {

here is fiddle example

