Flutter, in_app_purchase is seriously hard to test

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-02-11 14:21:18


After looking at the somewhat poor in_app_purchase pub dev documentation, after distributing the test version several times, I succeeded in sending the internal test url to the test device to download it.

However, as soon as I entered the in_app_purchase screen with a real device, an app termination dialog error appeared and the app was forcibly turned off.

I am really badly angry now.

I don't understand why it made it so difficult to test, but I can't even see what caused the error.

I did exactly the same as the documentation example. And all of the dependencies are the same: https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/in_app_purchase/example/lib

I can't continue the closed test review process until no errors are seen, and I'm crazy.

I really need help. How can I implement this in_app_purchase while viewing error log cat normally?

