How to pass objects from one thread class to another thread class in python

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-11 13:59:45


I am using socket module in python to create two clients and one server. Client_1 shall send content of a .txt file to Client_2, through the server. In server I am using thread module to have a multiple client support.

I have created three Threads in my server:-

1) First thread handles the client connections 2) Second thread receives the contents of the .txt file from Client_1 3) Third thread sends this contents to Client_2

The problem that I am facing, while executing the above mentioned server, Client_1 and Client_2, The contents of .txt file is successfully sent from Client_1 to server. But, The server is not able to send this contents to Client_2.

This may be because the third thread is not able to get the contents received in second thread (but it is what I think, I may be wrong). Below I am sharing all the three codes along with the .txt file that I am using.

server code

import socket
import threading

class ClientThread(threading.Thread):        ############ this thread manages the client connections ############
   def __init__(self,conn,Address):
       self.conn = conn
       print("New connection added", Address)
   def run(self):
       print ("Connection from : ", Address)
       self.conn.send(bytes("You are connected to IIT H",'utf-8'))

class RecieveThread(threading.Thread):       ############# this thread takes care about recieving the contents of the .txt file 
   def __init__(self,conn,Address):                 ##      from #######  Client_1 ###########################
      self.conn = conn
   def run(self):
       print("This data is from Housekeeping unit: ",Address)
       data = self.conn.recv(1024).decode()
       print("The wastebin attributes are:  ",  data)

class SendThread(threading.Thread):
   def __init__(self,conn,Address):
       threading.Thread.__init__(self)      ##### This thread takes care about sending the the recieved contents to ## Client_2 #####
       self.conn = conn
   def run(self):
       data = self.conn.recv(1024).decode()
       print("Sending this data to mobile unit")

host = ''    #########  Getting the hostname #######      
port = 5000                ###### Fixing the port ##########
server_socket = socket.socket()                ######### initiate the socket #########
server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ###### Allows to bind to exacly the same port and IP address#####
server_socket.bind((host, port))   ###### binding the host and the port #######

print("The IIT-H server is active")
print("Waiting for clients to connect")   

while True:

    server_socket.listen(4)    ###### allowing only 4 clients to be in queue to connect ######
    conn, Address = server_socket.accept()   ###### accepting the connections #########
    ClientThread(conn,Address).start()    ##### Calling the first thread class #####
    RecieveThread(conn,Address).start()   ###### Calling the second thread class ######## 
    SendThread(conn,Address).start() ###### Calling the third thread classs ##########  

conn.close()       #### closing the connection ######

The Client_1 code

import socket

host = socket.gethostname()       ############### as both code is running on same pc ###################3
port = 5000                       ############# socket server port number################33

client_socket = socket.socket()               ################# initiate the connection ##########e
client_socket.connect((host, port))

in_data = client_socket.recv(1024).decode()       ############### connect to the server########################
print("From IIT-H server: ", in_data)    
wastebin_attr = open("/Users/sayantanmandal/Python Programs/Waste_data.txt", 'r')   ######### Opening the .txt file ########

wa =                                      ############ Reading the .txt file ##################

message = wa      

client_socket.send(message.encode()) ########## sending the  message from socket point but before encoding in bytes #########

client_socket.close()               ################### closing the connection ######################

The Client_2 code

import socket

host = socket.gethostname() 
             ############### as both code is running on same pc ###################3

port = 5000                       ############# socket server port number################33

client_socket = socket.socket()               ################# initiate the connection ##########e
client_socket.connect((host, port))       ############### connect to the server########################

in_data = client_socket.recv(1024).decode()

print("From IIT-H server: ", in_data)

data = client_socket.recv(1024).decode()

print("From Housekeeping unit: ", data)

client_socket.close()               ################### closing the connection ######################

The .txt file that I am using

1. Wastebin serial number:   
2. Wastebin type:
3. Wastebin status:
4. Wastebin action:
5. Wastebin zone: 
6. Wastebin Lat./Long. :

Please help me as to how I can overcome this situation. Thank you all.

