JavaScript arrow syntax: What does the equals sign on the right hand side mean?

为君一笑 提交于 2021-02-11 12:15:38


I am studying JavaScript syntax. I occasionally see a pattern that confuses me: an equals sign on the right hand side of the arrow. For example, something like this:

.then(data => myVariable = data)

I don't know what is going on in that syntax. It looks like it is taking the value of data and assigning it to the variable named myVariable. Can somebody explain this?


You're right. It's an arrow function (without an accompanying block) that "returns" an assignment expression - in effect doing an assignment of data's value to myVariable and returning the right hand side, though that might not be utilized in this case.

In a more simplified case:

let foo = 3;
function foobar(callback) {
  const result = callback(5); //call callback with 5 as argument
  console.log(result); //5
foobar(five => foo = five); //assigns 5 to foo
console.log(foo); //5

This is generally not the most readable option and your question proves this. I would recommend adding a block like so (if you don't intend on actually returning the right hand side value):

myPromise.then(data => {
  myVariable = data;

In which case there is no implicit return of the assignment expression's right hand side and makes the intent clearer. Also, assignments such as what you're doing right with what I assume to an asynchronous promise are not encouraged.

Maybe look into async/await or other new ES features to deal with asynchronous code other than using variable assignments which may run into some problems if not used correctly.


This is called fat arrow function in ES 6 . It is used for many purposes like
If we want to pass and argument to a function.
Old Syntax :
let sum = function(x,y){ 
                return x+y;
New Syntax with fat arrow 
let sum = (x,y) => x+y; 

var setNameIdsEs5 = function setNameIds(id, name) {
  return {
    id: id,
    name: name

// ES6
var setNameIdsEs6 = (id, name) => ({ id: id, name: name });
console.log(setNameIdsEs6 (4, "Kyle"));   // Object {id: 4, name: "Kyle"}

Note : Return statement is not required in fat arrow of it is only one line .

2. Anonymous Function.

// ES5
API.prototype.get = function(resource) {
  var self = this;
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    http.get(self.uri + resource, function(data) {
Using an arrow function, the same result can be achieved more concisely and clearly:

// ES6
API.prototype.get = function(resource) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    http.get(this.uri + resource, function(data) {

