In order : launch new terminal, launch R environment in the new terminal, execute commands in R environment

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-11 07:34:57


I would like a shell script that launches a new terminal, opens the R environment in the terminal and executes commands in the R environment of the new terminal. Here's what I did which is not working :

for i in $(seq 25)
gnome-terminal -x sh "R; source('source.r'); function($i)"

Where, function() is an r function in the file "source.r"

Please help.

N.B. I don't want to launch the program using the command "Rscript"

EDIT 1 : I don't want to use the command Rscript because the execution halts after sometime (don't know why). In an R environment the script works fine though. Here's what I tried with the command Rscript :

for i in $(seq 25)
gnome-terminal -e "Rscript script.r $i"

EDIT 2 : I found the reason why the script execution halted with the command Rscript. It was a bug in the code. Now I can make things work with what I did in EDIT 1. Would be nice to know if things can be made to work by not using Rscript i.e. launching R in different terminals and executing commands in each terminal from the shell script.

