App Engine Service Deployment Stopped Working on Known Good Version

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-09 11:59:12


We have a service hosted in gcloud that is not actively developed and we have not deployed for a few weeks. On deployment we now get the error ERROR: gcloud crashed (TypeError): unorderable types: NoneType() > int() and the deployment fails. We get the exact same results even if we run the last deployed version through CI.

This is my app.yaml

runtime: aspnetcore
env: flex
threadsafe: true
service: myapp
  instances: 1
  service_name: myapp
  AWS_REGION: eu-west-1

This is very unclear to me as it's not obvious what the deployment would need ordering. Is there something I am missing in interperating this error message?


Check if you have Python 3.5 installed on the same build agent. The gcloud SDK has a dependency of Python 2.7, also advisable to set the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to the path of your Python 2.7 installation location.


A workaround that worked for me:

  1. Instead of gcloud app deploy ... try gcloud beta app deploy ...
    • You may be prompted to install the beta components (allow this)
  2. If adding 'beta' results in a successful deployment, try again without it.

It seems like something was corrupt and using the 'beta' deployment command un-corrupted things. Your mileage may vary.

