Admob Interstitial ad on Button Click

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-08 20:55:19


I have an application and I am using admob banners to it. Now I want to show interstitial ad on Button click. My application have 2 activity, and I want to show interstitial ad on the second activity. Second activity has a button which goes back to first activity, and I want to show the ad after the button click. I am able to show the ad on button click but when the user closes the ad or press the back button it remain on the second activity and thats the problem I am facing.

SecondActivity Code:-

btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

             if (interstitial.isLoaded()) {

            Intent i = new Intent();
            i.setClass(SecondActivity.this, FirstActivity.class);


I want when the user clicks on button the ad should be seen and when he closes the ad he should return to first activity


What you need is a AdListener for your interstitial that utilizes the onAdClosed() method to identify when the user closes the ad, so you can send them back to your first activity.

Your interstitial setup:

// Create ad request
adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
// Attempt loading ad for interstitial

// Create and set AdListener for interstitial
interstitial.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
    // Listen for when user closes ad
    public void onAdClosed() {
        // When user closes ad end this activity (go back to first activity)

And your btn (button) setup:

// Create and set OnClickListener for button
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    // Listen for when user presses button
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // If a interstitial is ready, show it
        if(interstitial.isLoaded()) {
        // Otherwise end this activity (go back to first activity)
        else {

This way if the user clicks the button it will either:

  1. Have an ad ready and display it. Wait for user to close ad.

    Activity will then be closed through onAdClosed-method.

  2. Not have an ad ready.

    Instantly close activity through the onClick-method.


First :>

private InterstitialAd mInterstitialAd;

secound step :>

mInterstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this); mInterstitialAd.setAdUnitId(getString(R.string.interstitialAd_id)); mInterstitialAd.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

Third step:> button click event

btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            if(mInterstitialAd.isLoaded()) {
            else {

