How to show the Now Playing Tab in CarPlay?

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-08 14:12:43


I'm working on an app that will support CarPlay.It's an audio app.

I'm able to show 2 tabs (favourite and recommended) though I just don't know how to show the Now Playing Tab. I just cannot find any info regarding this. Do I have to manually show it, and the, how do I push? Do I have to do it manually? If so, what's the viewcontroller?



For the Transition to the Now Playing tab to work on both the simulator and an actual car, you need to make sure to

  • call beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents on the current UIApplication, and
  • set a nowPlayingIdentifier on the MPPlayableContentManager

before calling the completion handler in playableContentManager:initiatePlaybackOfContentItemAtIndexPath:completionHandler:.


I know this post is a couple months old, but for me, I had to test in an actual device with CarPlay. Apple says always test it on an actual device with CarPlay. At first, I didn't see a Now Playing tab in the simulator, but as soon as it was tested in a device it was there automatically. I didn't do anything special. I think CarPlay knows when you're playing audio via MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and does this automatically in the actual CarPlay device.

