
Jenkins - Email-ext plugin display name of job in email

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-28 19:01:51
问题 Is there an easy way to include the display name of the job in the email subject? Maybe there is an environment variable for this? I know it should be possible because the default functionality (email notification) in jenkins already provides this information in the email subject. 回答1: Yes, You can use the built-in environment JOB_NAME , other available environments you can use are like BUILD_STATUS , BUILD_NUMBER , etc. [${BUILD_STATUS}]${JOB_NAME} Build #${BUILD_NUMBER} As always, you can

I'm getting JellyException: Could not parse Jelly script : null

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-28 02:04:01
问题 I'm trying to configure some features in Jenkins for our project. In the process of configuring Editable Email Notification , I have created a new jelly script file in $JENKINS_HOME/email-templates folder as shown here and accessing it in Jenkins config like this When I build the job, with these setting, I'm getting email with the content "JellyException: Could not parse Jelly script : null" Thanks in advance!! 回答1: I faced a similar issue after I updated my Jenkins installation. I used the

How can I write a Jenkins email-ext template to display test results like the standard test report

大憨熊 提交于 2020-04-05 07:42:17
问题 I have tweaked the standard jelly template to display the current test results in a table, however I really want to be able to display diffs as seen in Jenkins own test results page. For example: JUnit Tests: 0 failures (±0) , 1 skipped (+1) Package Duration Fail (diff) Skip (diff) Total (diff) 89 ms 0 0 1 +1 5 +2 回答1: Write a Groovy template for Email Ext plugin instead of Jelly template. In Groovy template you'll have access to Build object for your build. You can then call

How can I write a Jenkins email-ext template to display test results like the standard test report

二次信任 提交于 2020-04-05 07:41:09
问题 I have tweaked the standard jelly template to display the current test results in a table, however I really want to be able to display diffs as seen in Jenkins own test results page. For example: JUnit Tests: 0 failures (±0) , 1 skipped (+1) Package Duration Fail (diff) Skip (diff) Total (diff) 89 ms 0 0 1 +1 5 +2 回答1: Write a Groovy template for Email Ext plugin instead of Jelly template. In Groovy template you'll have access to Build object for your build. You can then call

Why are Jenkins “extended emails” not including extended information?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-01 08:03:45
问题 We installed email-ext 2.24.1 into Jenkins 1.447. We set "Extended Email Notification" "Default Content" to $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS: Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results. Failed tests (regressions compared to previous builds): ${FAILED_TESTS, onlyRegressions=true} Changes: ${CHANGES, showPaths=true, format="%a: %r %p \n--\"%m\", pathFormat="\n\t- %p"} We went to a project, and selected "Editable Email Notification" and left the default settings,

How to attach files to Jenkins Pipeline notification

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-30 04:44:09
问题 I am trying in a pipeline to attach files to my notification mails. How can I do that? An example would be nice. 回答1: email-ext uses Ant File Syntax As for example usage: emailext attachmentsPattern: '**/report.html', body: 'Find attachments', subject: 'test', to: '' 来源:

Get text from file and display in Jenkins email content

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-25 12:41:22
问题 I have constructed Build version from a config file and saved this version number value to a file which resides in my workspace. The contents of this file will contain values like 2014.4.3.87 Now, I need to get this value on to the Jenkins e-mail body. I have email ext plugin installed. How do i do it. 回答1: You can use a shell command echo the file content and save it into a into a another file, like content="real content" For example: fileContent="content=$(echo filepath)" You can use env

Jenkins email ext jelly script include file contents

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-23 20:33:15
问题 Can I display the contents of another file in my jelly script output? 回答1: If the file is included in the workspace of the job, declare your variable such as: <j:set var="fileContent" value="${build.getWorkspace().child("results.html")}"/> And call it this way: ${fileContent} 回答2: Yes, you can use the ${FILE, path} token to include the contents of a file (path is relative to your workspace directory). This info is taken from the Content Token Reference in the email-ext part of your job

Jenkins email-ext trigger e-mail for culprits not working as expected

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-23 12:24:04
问题 I'm trying to send e-mail to culprits when the build fails. If I start the build manually the e-mail is sent, but If I start the build through SCM polling e-mail is not send and the console output for the build shows the message: An attempt to send an e-mail to empty list of recipients, ignored. Is that the right way the plugin should work (culprit should be a person, not scm polling)? Im using: OS: Ubuntu Server 11.04 Jekins: 1.532.1 Email-ext plugin: 2.37.2 回答1: Currently (before the next

Email Extension Plugin - can't get BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT to work

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-23 11:46:43
问题 No matter what I put in BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, all I get is an email with an empty body, thus could use some assistance. I have a java program that writes to console. Snippet of Jenkins console output looks like this: ... [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building project1 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.4