Log4j: Log only message string without logging className and other details

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-08 10:22:09


I have a java application and I am using log4j2. I want to only log the log message without logging things like className, log level, timestamp etc. I do see some suggestions regarding custom appender etc. But isn't there a simpler way to achieve this by just modifying the default configuration ?


log.info(" Hi This is a log message");

Desired Log statement

Hi This is a log message


You have to change config file log4j.xml

The element need to be change in that file is pattern :
if you are using log4j.properties then change corresponding element.
example of pattern element:

<PatternLayout pattern="%d [%p] %c %m%n"/>

here d id for date
p is for priority
c is for Class Name
m is fro message
n is fro separator
if you dont want any thing then remove from pattern entry.

Modified as per your requirement

<PatternLayout pattern=" %m%n"/>

