Accessing comments in Google Documents

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-08 05:28:59


I am being unable to figure out how to access comments in Google documents using Google Apps Scripts. Looking at the API reference, I found only the CommentSection class, but that is marked deprecated. Looking for some help. Thanks.



Unfortunately it's not currently possible to access the document's comments using Google Apps Script. You can file a feature request for this on the issue tracker.


Following the initial discussion in this post I've managed to get the comments in a document by using the v2 of Drive API.

Here is the code I'm using:

function retrieveComments(fileId) {
  var info = [];
  //These arguments are optional
  var callArguments = {'maxResults': 100, 'fields': 'items(commentId,content,context/value,fileId),nextPageToken'}
  var docComments, pageToken;
  do { //Get all the pages of comments in case the doc has more than 100
    callArguments['pageToken'] = pageToken;
    //This is where the magic happens!
    docComments = Drive.Comments.list(fileId,callArguments);
    //I've created a "getCommentsInfo" to organize the relevant info in an array
    info = info.concat(getCommentsInfo(docComments.items));
    pageToken = docComments.nextPageToken;
  } while(pageToken);


But, as the Drive API is an "Advance Service" you must add it both to:

  1. Script Project - by using the "Resources > Advanced Google Service"
  2. Google Developers Console - by:
    1. Making sure to select the right project in the top bar
    2. Enabling the "Drive API" for the Project

