How can I find previous usages of a variable using Roslyn?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-08 02:57:32


I'm writing a Rosyln analyser/analyzer. It checks to ensure that a method is called before accessing another (potentially dangerous) method on a type. To show what I mean, here's some bad code that I want to analyse and fail on:

private void myMethod()
    var myThing = new MyThing();
    myThing.Value = null;

    string value = myThing.GetValue(); // code blows up here as the internal value is null

Here's code that's OK because it calls a method that says whether it's null:

private void myMethod()
    var myThing = new MyThing();
    myThing.Value = null;

        return ;

    string value = myThing.GetValue(); 

So, it should check that all calls to GetValue are preceeded by a call to HasValue.

I've just started with Roslyn, so there's probably a more elegant way than my initial (failing) attempt at:

1 - Declare that I want to inspect invocation expressions

context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(analyseMemberAccessNode, SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression);

2 - In my method, I get the method name (GetValue())

var expr = (InvocationExpressionSyntax)context.Node;

var memberAccess = expr.Expression as MemberAccessExpressionSyntax;

if (memberAccess?.Name.ToString() != "GetValue")

3 - I then check to see if it's the right 'GetValue'

var memberSymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(memberAccess).Symbol as IMethodSymbol;

if (!memberSymbol?.OverriddenMethod.ToString().StartsWith("MyNamespace.MyThing.GetValue") ?? true)

4 - Up to here, everything is fine. So I get the name of the variable

var e = memberAccess.Expression as IdentifierNameSyntax;

string variableName = e.Identifier.Text;

5 - now I'm stuck - my theory was to; get the containing method, find the single variable declaration that matches variableName, find usages of that, and ensure that HasValue is called before GetValue.

In short, using a Roslyn analyser (deriving from DiagnosticAnalyzer), how do I ensure that HasValue is called before GetValue?


Instead of registering for each Invocation, you might be better off registering for the entire method declaration. Then you can keep track of all MemberAccessExpressionSyntax and ensure that for a given variable that HasValue is called before GetValue. To do that, I would get the MemberAccessExpressionSyntax descendants from the MethodDeclaration node.

context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction((analysisContext) =>
    var invocations =
    var hasValueCalls = new HashSet<string>();
    foreach (var invocation in invocations)
        var e = invocation.Expression as IdentifierNameSyntax;

        if (e == null)

        string variableName = e.Identifier.Text;

        if (invocation.Name.ToString() == "HasValue")

        if (invocation.Name.ToString() == "GetValue")
            if (!hasValueCalls.Contains(variableName))
                analysisContext.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, e.GetLocation()));
}, SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration);

