Quotes in command line arguments passed to Java main()

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-07 18:14:05


I run a Java program with the following command line (Edit: in NetBeans 6.8 project properties)

toto has:"tutu titi"

args is an array of 2 Strings

has:tutu titi

I want (two arguments indeed, the second) args[1] to be

has:"tutu titi"

How should I do that?

Edit: I have already tried escaping the quotes with backslash from "Arguments" line in Netbeans propject properties, but I get args[1]

has:\tutu titi\


I had a similar problem in NetBeans and found the solution:

Edit/Add the property "application.args" in your private.properties to this:

application.args='has:""tutu titi""'

Single quotes to mark your "argument" and two double quotes to define one "double quotes".


This really depends on your shell. You haven't said what operating system you're using. For example, on Windows this will work:

java Test toto "has:\"tutu titi\""

I believe the same thing will work in bash, too.

But if you're asking what you can do within Java to resolve this: nothing. The shell will have parsed the command line before the process was invoked, and you can't undo that parsing.



toto "has:\"tutu titi\""


If adding from NetBeans (7.1.2) Configuration/Arguments dialog field, a single-quote outer and escaped double quote inner worked for me e.g.:

my argument


This has been recognised by netbeans as a bug that won't be fixed!

