How to join comma separated column values with another table as rows

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-07 13:31:40


I am trying to join two tables by first converting a comma separated values from a column "SupplierId" which I am doing successfully. However, the issue comes in when I try joining to another table 'Vendors' with the Supplier names via a foreign key 'DCLink'.

This is what I mean:

The select statement for the Original Table,

  SELECT  InquiryId, SupplierId FROM Procure_InquiryDetails

Gives this result

InquiryId   SupplierId

1           2,3
2           175
3           170,280
7           12
8           5,9

I am able to split the columns from SupplierId using this sql statement

        SELECT  InquiryId,
                [xml_val] = CAST('<t>' + REPLACE(SupplierId,',','</t><t>') + '</t>' AS XML)
        FROM Procure_InquiryDetails

SELECT  InquiryId,
        [SupplierId] = col.value('.','VARCHAR(100)')
CROSS APPLY [xml_val].nodes('/t') CA(col) 

and get these results

InquiryId   SupplierId
    1           2
    1           3
    2           175
    3           170
    3           280
    7           12
    8           5
    8           9 

When I apply this bit of code to join the InquiryDetails table to the Vendor Table on supplier Name however,

    SELECT  InquiryId,
            [xml_val] = CAST('<t>' + REPLACE(SupplierId,',','</t><t>') + '</t>' AS XML),
    FROM Procure_InquiryDetails inner join Vendor
    on ',' + Procure_InquiryDetails.SupplierId + ',' like '%,' + cast(Vendor.DCLink as nvarchar(20)) + ',%'

SELECT  InquiryId, Name,
        [SupplierId] = col.value('.','VARCHAR(100)')
CROSS APPLY [xml_val].nodes('/t') CA(col)

It gives me this very inconvenient result:

InquiryId   Name                                                                                                                                                   SupplierId
----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1           Accesskenya Group Ltd                                                                                                                                  2
1           Accesskenya Group Ltd                                                                                                                                  3
1           Aquisana Ltd                                                                                                                                           2
1           Aquisana Ltd                                                                                                                                           3
2           TOYOTA KENYA                                                                                                                                           175
3           Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers ICS-USD                                                                                                             170
3           Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers ICS-USD                                                                                                             280
7           CMA CGM Kenya Ltd                                                                                                                                      12
8           Aon Kenya Insurance Brokers Ltd                                                                                                                        5
8           Aon Kenya Insurance Brokers Ltd                                                                                                                        9
8           Bill investments ltd                                                                                                                                   5
8           Bill investments ltd

I would wish for the join statement to show and flow as the original select statement.

I am stuck and I cannot seem to figure out where I am going wrong. Any pointers in the right direction?


Assuming you're using SQL Server 2016, you can use string_split() to parse out your CSV column (aside: comma-separated values in a field is a sign of a poor data model) without resorting to a CTE or XML methods.

select I.inquiry_id, sup.value,V.Name
from Procure_InquiryDetails I
CROSS APPLY string_split(I.supplier_value,',') sup
join Vendor v on v.DCLink = sup.value


You've forgotten to supply expected results, so this is a stab in the dark, however, what's wrong with splitting your string and using the results with a JOIN:

SELECT {Needed Columns}
FROM dbo.Procure_InquiryDetails PID
     JOIN dbo.Vendor V ON SS.[value] = V.SupplierID;

Ideally, however, you shouldn't be storing delimited data in your RDBMS. Considering switching to a proper normalised many-to-many relationship structure.

If you're still on SQL Server 2008 (to which I would highly recommend you upgrade), then you can use delimitedsplit8k, or on 2012/2014 you can use delimitedsplit8k_lead.

