Create generic Func from reflection

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-06 12:49:15


I've specified type in a variable: Type hiddenType. I need to create a Func<T> delegate where T is of type specified in mentioned variable and assign an method:

var funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(hiddenType);
Func<object> funcImplementation = () => GetInstance(hiddenType);

var myFunc= Delegate.CreateDelegate(funcType , valueGenerator.Method);

It doesn't works - because funcImplementation is returns object instead of desired. At runtime, it will surely be an instance of type specified in hiddenType.

GetInstance returns object and signaure cannot be changed.


You can solve this by building an expression tree manually, and inserting a cast to hiddenType. This is allowed when you construct an expression tree.

var typeConst = Expression.Constant(hiddenType);
MethodInfo getInst = ... // <<== Use reflection here to get GetInstance info
var callGetInst = Expression.Call(getInst, typeConst);
var cast = Expression.Convert(callGetInst, hiddenType);
var del = Expression.Lambda(cast).Compile();

Note: the above code assumes that GetInstance is static. If it is not static, change the way you construct callGetInst to pass the object on which the method is invoked.


Instead of using a Type, you could consider using a generic wrapper, if it's not possible for you to change the GetInstance signature:

private Func<THidden> GetTypedInstance<THidden>()
    return () => (THidden)GetInstance(typeof(THidden));

Then you can just call it with


instead of


