Python - how to wait for user trigger in the middle of a function?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-02-05 11:12:27


I want to prompt user to choose between yes and no in the middle of a function and then continue the function accordingly. How is it possible?

Here is my code:

def download_popup(file_name, url, size, threshold):
    root = Tk()
    label = Label(root,
                  text="The file {file} at {url} is {size}Bytes large which is larger than your threshold({threshold})."
                       "\nShall I still download it?".format(file_name, url, size, threshold))
    yes = ttk.Button(root, width=5, text="yse",
                      command=lambda: return True)
    no = ttk.Button(root, width=5, text="no",
                      command=lambda: return False)
    label.grid(column=0, row=0, colspan=2)
    yes.grid(column=0, row=1)
    no.grid(column=1, row=1)

# somewhere else in the middle of a function I have:
if response.getheader('Content-Length') > setting.download_threshold_var.get():
    # I want the function to wait in this line:
    if download_popup(file, url, response.getheader('Content-Length'), setting.download_threshold_var.get()):

Of course my code is nonsense I just put it to show better what it is like that I actually want.

By the way I can fix it by splitting the function to 3 functions in a way that first function calls download_popup() and download_popup calls either the second or third function according to the user choice but I want a more elegant solution.


The simplest solution is to use one of the predefined dialogs, such as askyesno. If you want your own dialog, the pattern is to create an instance of a Toplevel, and then call wait_window which will not return until the window is destroyed.

Using predefined dialogs

In python 3, the built-in dialogs are in the sub-module messagebox. To ask a yes/no question you can use askyesno. For example:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

def download_popup(file_name, url, size, threshold):
    answer = tk.messagebox.askyesno("Confirmation", "The file...")
    if answer:
        print("you answered yes")
        print("you answered no")

Creating your own dialog

The key is to create a toplevel, then wait for it to be destroyed. To get the value from the dialog, you can use a global or instance variable.

It's usually best to use a class rather than a global variable, but simplicity I'll give an answer that uses a global variable:

def download_popup(file_name, url, size, threshold):
    global result
    result = False

    def do_yes():
        global result
        result = True

    def do_no():
        global result
        result = False

    dialog = tk.Toplevel()

    print("you chose %s" % result)


You can use the command attribute of a Button widget to call a def.

This means you don't have to put everything on hold to get the user's answer. You can just setup two def's (or one and pass in a different parameter at the start) and call them when the button's are pressed.

See below:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def yes():
    print("The user pressed yes, now do something you fool!")

def no():
    print("Oh no, they pressed no. Quick, panic!")

yes = Button(root, text="Yes", command=yes)

no = Button(root, text="No", command=no)



If you need this to be done with one function you can use something like the below:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def callback(self, *args):

boolean = BooleanVar()

boolean.trace("w", callback)

yes = Button(root, text="Yes", command=lambda: boolean.set(True))

no = Button(root, text="No", command=lambda: boolean.set(False))



