Send to messenger not showing

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-05 04:49:53


I'm trying to add facebook's "send to messenger" to my web page.

On Fb's documentation it states:

When there isn't an active session, no identity is surfaced. When the button is clicked, we will present a Login dialog.

But what I realize is that if a user is not logged in to facebook the button doesn't get rendered at all. Is this the expected behaviour?

PS- Note that my fb app is not in dev mode and I'm using the a fb account with admin role for that app.


If you app has not yet been reviewed, the login dialog and button only appear for individuals with certain roles - admin, developer, tester, and insight users.

Also it can take a few moments to load.


Yes, that is the expected behaviour.

As mentioned in the FB documentation:

When your app is in development mode, or if your app is public but does not have approval for Messenger platform, the plugin is only visible to admins, developers and testers of the app. Therefore, the plugin will not be visible when there isn't an active session since the user cannot be identified.


I'm admin of an app which has never been submitted for review. The app was up a while ago and for some reasons I had to do this again:

  • in your app Messenger settings > Token Generation select your page, generate a token,
  • in your app Messenger settings > Webhooks make sure your page is subscribed to webhooks,
  • in your code or environment variables, update your token and deploy the changes.

