Disk quota exceeded warning in server

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-04 06:52:43


i have a question for this warning

Warning: session_start(): open(/tmp/sess_ba3cae26d5ca3bfb594c3424a10fe9c4, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/ericramirez19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/index.php on line 68

my index page is correct and what things go to this error ?, Is it server problem or code? I am using word press so any solution for word press?


The disk quota is the maximum amount of data you're allowed to store in a given disk or location. You should first verify if you're making proper use of your disk space (i.e., do you have thousands of temporary files you no longer need but failed to remove?). If you actually decide you simply need more space, you should contact your hosting provider and upgrade your plan.

In your case, you might consider not using the system-wide temporary directory for session storage.


There is another limit as well - inodes (number of files allowed), you can check that by command

df -i

i've found on mine that /var/lib/php5 contained nearly million files so i've deleted all session files there and problem was solved

find /var/lib/php5/ -name "sess_*" -delete


I saw that error several times, and the following solution helps me to solve the issue:-

1) Deleted unwanted and unnecessary emails (once I have around 57652 unread emails)

2) There is a 'tmp' folder in your root directory, deleted all files from that.

3) File created by you or any of your application which is taking large memory.

4) Remove data from trash

Conclusion : This Issue is because of few files taking more spaces then specified by your hosting provider. So either upgrade your plan or find the culprit file and remove it.


I have the same error when I upload back-up created on my old hosting to my new server. My mistake was to upload archive without opening on my home PC.

So, how I solve such error: I just unzip backup on my PC and create new zip-archive. When I upload files again to my server the problem was solved.


In my case the culprit was emails. The system was clogged with undeleted mails. Once the old mails were deleted, everything became fine.

