Delete Device using rest API of Azure device provisioning service?

寵の児 提交于 2021-01-29 12:27:29


What is the format of the url needed to delete an already registered device in azure IoT hub using device provisioning service...

I read this article but it throws me 404

In the request header I added If-Match tag but do I need to add Authorization tag with the SaS token and if I need the SaS token will be the one which I used for registering device using Device Provisioning Service


if I need the SaS token will be the one which I used for registering device using Device Provisioning Service

There are some steps that you need to follow to generate the access_token that will be used in the Authorization header of the request.


  • Install Python 2.7+
  • Install Azure CLI 2.0+
  • Login to CLI

Below are the steps:

Login with Azure CLI

az login

Set Active Subscription

az account set --subscription "your subscription name or id"

Create Service Principal

az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "your service principal name. Can be like 'jongpostman7'"

The output of above command will be something like below image.

Copy this output to a temp location, you will need the values in a minute.

Coming to the Postman request now. You need to first call the AAD Token request whose response will provide you with the access_token. This access token you can use in the DPS delete device request. The AAD request will be like below:-

POST{{tenantId}}/oauth2/token Refer image below for the request body.

grant_type is client_credentials client_id is the appId received in above command output client_secret is the password received in above command output tenant_id is the tenant received in above command output resource is

The response of above request will be like below:-

Now, you have the access_token that can be used in the DPS delete device REST API. The Authorization header be like below:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token_received_above>

Reference link here.

