Is it possible to disable WiFi throttling on Android(Xamarin.Forms) if the device does not have in Developer Menu this option(Huawei)?

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-29 06:05:17


I'm working on an application in Xamarin.Forms and I try to use nearby Wi-Fi signals for indoor tracking. But it is not possible because of Android Wi-Fi Throttling.

How can I disable it, event my Huawei P20 Pro does not have this option in Developer Menu?

Can be another options to scan efficiently Wi-Fi signals on Android or is not possible as long as Wi-Fi Throttling can't be controlled?


According to wifi-scan-throttling docs, Android 10 has the Wi-Fi Throttling option in Developer Menu.

Android 9: Each foreground app can scan four times in a 2-minute period. This allows for a burst of scans in a short time. All background apps combined can scan one time in a 30-minute period.

Android 10 and higher: The same throttling limits from Android 9 apply. There is a new developer option to toggle the throttling off for local testing (under Developer Options > Networking > Wi-Fi scan throttling).

Huawei P20 (P20/P20 Pro) (Android 9) received a system update with Android 10 and EMUI 10 in 2020. You could update it and toggle thethrottling off from Developer Options.


I did it by following this steps How to quickly install and use ADB

And finally I have run this command:

adb shell settings put global wifi_scan_throttle_enabled 0

That has taken 3 minutes. >))

