Dynamic SQL with C# SqlCommand

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-29 04:46:12


I'd like to create a dynamic SQL query with c#'s SqlCommand where even the table is a parameter, so as to avoid injection attempts. Like below:

comm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM @tbl WHERE cond=@cond";

However, I have found that this is not allowed. I've looked into using Dynamic SQL with an execute, but that seems to be only for stored procedures. Can I use Dynamic SQL with an Execute using parameters for the table name with an SqlCommand? If not, how can this be done to avoid SQL injection problems?



Use SqlCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier method to escape table names.

SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder();
string tableName ="SomeTable";
string escapedTableName = builder.QuoteIdentifier(tableName);

Later you can use the escaped table name in your string like:

comm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM "+ escapedTableName +"  WHERE cond=@cond";


If the name of the table you're selectint from is not user-supplied, there's nothing to worry about.

If, however, you allow dynamic specification of tables to be queried, you'll need the QuoteIdentifier approach suggested by @Habib and I strongly recommend whitelisting all the available table names.

