Python - Core Speed [duplicate]

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-22 06:59:53


I'm trying to find out where this value is stored in both windows and osx, in order to do some calculations to make a better task distribution.

Core speed in Hz

Thanks in advance.

Using the platform.process() command only returns the name not the speed

I only managed to get it trough this:

import subprocess  
info=subprocess.check_output(["wmic","cpu","get", "name"])  
print info.split('@')[1].split(' ')[1]

But for the moment i have no way to tell if it will always return the same result in every machine (no access to other computers right now)


Machine ID

There is currently no cross platform python way of getting a Machine ID, however this has been asked before: Get a unique computer ID in Python on windows and linux

if you just want the machine name use platform.node()

Number of cores

The multiprocessing module contains the multiprocessing.cpu_count() method

Cores speed in Hz

There is currently no cross platform python way of getting cpu frequency, however this has been asked before: Getting processor information in Python

