Ldap search for all members using a group with “#” in the name

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-07 01:44:14


The implementation below works for regular group names but fails with groups with "#" in the name.

First I search for the DN of the group:

group = "#ABCDE"
filter := fmt.Sprintf("(&(objectCategory=group)(cn=%s)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))", ldap.EscapeFilter(group))
    sr, err := l.Search(&ldap.SearchRequest{
        BaseDN: "dc=ad,dc=some",
        Scope:      2, // subtree
        Filter:     filter,
        Attributes: []string{"member", "cn", "dn"},
        //Attributes: []string{"member", "cn", "dn", "samaccountname"},

//dn := "CN=//#ABCDE,OU=ABC,OU=ABGroups,OU=ADEF,OU=GHU,DC=ad,DC=some"
dn:= sr.Entries[0].DN

        filter2 := fmt.Sprintf("(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(memberOf=%s))", ldap.EscapeFilter(dn))
        result, err := l.Search(&ldap.SearchRequest{
            BaseDN:     "dc=ad,dc=some",
            Scope:      ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, // subtree
            Filter:     filter2,
            Attributes: []string{"sAMAccountName"},

In the dn for the group contains an escape for the "#". If ldap.EscapeFilter(dn) isn't used an exception will be thrown. Same result as if setting the dn as the commented out assignement dn:="CN//#ABCD...

Using the dn from the first search I get 0 users if the groupname contains a "#"... Not having a "/#" in the first search works fine, I get the dn. Using a "/#" in the first search it returns with zero found...

Current workaround is to have a LDAP group ABDE = #ABCDE, this seem to work, but why not the one above?

