Does Apollo Server work with GraphQL Tools stitchSchemas?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-07 01:33:16


According to Apollo docs

  • "Apollo Server 2 exports all of graphql-tools, so makeExecutableSchema and other functions can be imported directly from Apollo Server."
  • "Apollo Server is able to accept a schema that has been enabled by graphql-tools"

However, I've just noticed I can't directly import stitchSchemas from apollo-server (I've been using it from @graphql-tools/stitch), and am hours deep in problems that aren't making sense.

Does Apollo work with stitchSchemas or not?


Yes, you can use stitchSchemas with Apollo Server, but you should install the latest version of graphql-tools and import stichSchemas from graphql-tools instead of apollo-server.

You can use the latest version of graphql-tools to build a GraphQLSchema object, whether through stitchSchemas, makeExecutableSchema or some other utility. You can then initialize ApolloServer using this schema:

const server = new ApolloServer({ schema })

