Opencart and Journal 3 theme customer name in Top Menu

梦想与她 提交于 2021-01-06 07:20:42


I want to add customer first name on Journal theme top menu module. I am adding {{ text_logged }} in top-menu.twig but it can not get text_logged from controller. How can I get text_logged from catalog/controller/common/header.php?

{% if logged %}
   {{ text_logged }}
{% endif %}

$data['text_logged'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_logged'), $this->url->link('account/account', '', true), $this->customer->getFirstName(), $this->url->link('account/logout', '', true));

I want to see "Hello John Do" on Journal theme top menu $ US Dollar instead


You need to add your code using ocmod or vqmod to the Journal theme common/header.tpl. I highly recommend do not change the Journal's core codes because of ridiculous cache system (even devs couldn't get rid of it). Also here is a solution : You can edit this one for your purpose


I had contacted the developer regarding the same issue for the journal theme v3. They told me that it can be displayed using this:

Welcome back, {{ $customer_firstname }} {{ $customer_lastname }} !

to show customer firstname and lastname in menu items.

I have integrated that into my code, and it now shows the customer name, when logged in. No need to edit OC MOD

