get specific character

佐手、 提交于 2021-01-01 03:52:58


I would like to remove Zero from a string, below is an example :

String a : 020200218-0PSS-0010

a.replaceall("-(?:.(?!-))+$", "**REPLACEMENT**")

Actual : 020200218-0PSS-0010 Expected : 020200218-0PSS-10

I'm using this regex to catch -0010 : -(?:.(?!-))+$

I just dont know what to do in the REPLACEMENT section to actually remove the unused zero (not the last zero for exemple "10" and not "1")

Thanks for reading!


You could use something like:


It translates to "find all zeros which come after a dash, leading up to a non-zero digit, followed by optional digits, till the end of the string."

The demo below is in PHP but it should be valid in Java as well.

$s.replaceAll("(?<=-)0+(?=[1-9]\d*$)", "")

This would also work:


Find a position in which behind me is a dash and ahead of me is nothing but digits till the end of the line. From this position match one or more continuous zeros.


You can try something like this:

String result = a.replaceAll("-0+(?=[1-9][0-9]*$)", "-");

For the input Sting: String a = "020200218-0PSS-00000010"; The output is: 020200218-0PSS-10


The pattern -(?:.(?!-))+$ matches a - and 1+ times any char asserting what is directly to the right is not -, until the end of the string.

This does not take any digits into account and if successful, will give a full match instead of the zeroes only.

Instead of lookarounds, you might also use a capturing group and use that group in the replacement with a - prepended.



  • -0+ Match - and 1 or more times a zero
  • ( Capture group 1
    • [1-9]\d* Match a digit 1-9 followed by optional digits
  • ) Close group 1
  • $ Assert end of string

Regex demo | Java demo

As there is only 1 part to replace, you could use replaceFirst.

String a = "020200218-0PSS-0010";
String result = a.replaceFirst("-0+([1-9]\\d*)$", "-$1");



