Using winrt::com_ptr<ID3D11Device1> with D3D11CreateDevice()?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-12-07 05:15:48


I've been studying the code from the DirectXTK example project and trying to implement it in a new project. It seems like Microsoft recommends using WinRT in new projects, though, so I decided I would try to switch instances of WRL::ComPtr to winrt::com_ptr. I'm stuck, though, trying to move between ID3D11Device1 in the project's Game class and ID3DDevice in D3D11CreateDevice().

Here's the example code, slightly abstracted for simplicity's sake:

ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> global_device;

void CreateDevice()

    ComPtr<ID3D11Device> local_device;
    ThrowIfFailed(D3D11CreateDevice( ... local_device.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf() ... ));

And here's my approximation of it with WinRT:

com_ptr<ID3D11Device1> global_device;

void createDevice()

    com_ptr<ID3D11Device> local_device;
    check_hresult(D3D11CreateDevice( ... local_device.put() ... ));
    global_device =<ID3D11Device1>();

Every time I run it, though, I get these errors:

Error   C2664    'HRESULT IUnknown::QueryInterface(const IID &,void **)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const winrt::guid' to 'const IID &'   HelloDX11   .\x64\Debug\Generated Files\winrt\base.h    1955    
Message      No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called   HelloDX11   .\x64\Debug\Generated Files\winrt\base.h    1955    
Message      Reason: cannot convert from 'const winrt::guid' to 'const IID' HelloDX11   .\x64\Debug\Generated Files\winrt\base.h    1955    
Message      see reference to function template instantiation 'winrt::com_ptr<ID3D11Device1> winrt::com_ptr<ID3D11Device>::as<ID3D11Device1>(void) const' being compiled    HelloDX11   .\game.cpp  47  
Message      see reference to function template instantiation 'winrt::com_ptr<ID3D11Device1> winrt::impl::as<To,ID3D11Device>(From *)' being compiled
        ]   HelloDX11   .\x64\Debug\Generated Files\winrt\base.h    2377    

I've gone over the docs for WRL::ComPtr.As() here, the docs for here, and the "conversion" example here about as many times as I can stand at this point. What am I missing?


Answer per IInspectable's comment:

"winrt::guid converts to GUID, as long as you include Unknwn.h before you include any C++/WinRT headers." See:

