Is there a way how to hide quick find on top of grid?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-12-07 04:38:30


Is there a way to hide quick find search box on top of grid - either programmatically or via ribbon / customizations ? Btw, it should be in supported/able manner (no direct DOM manipulations).


If anyone is interested - it is possible; it involves a shipping of your own custom grid control. Then in control manifest make sure to specify


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <control namespace="MyControls.MyGridControl" constructor="MyGridControl" display-name-key="MyGridControl" description-key="MyGridControl" version="1.0.0" hidden="false" control-type="virtual">
    <modes><read /><edit /></modes>
    <data-set name="Grid" display-name-key="CC_Grid_DSGrid" cds-data-set-options="displayViewSelector:false;displayQuickFind:false"></data-set>
      <dependency name="MscrmControls.Grid.ReadOnlyGrid" />
      <code path="MyGridControl.js" order="1" />
      <web classic="enable" />
      <phone />
      <tablet />


Unfortunately they are core platform functionalities and uncustomizable, and your necessity to turn off that capability is not an usual one. So it is not possible in any supported way today.

Maybe you can create an idea, if community voted for it - Microsoft may give that configuration in future releases.

