Handlebars date format issue

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-12-05 12:27:55


I have my handlerbars template with my property

{{#each claimsHistory}}

lossDate its my date time, it is rendered like this 2015-08-28T00:00:00

I want to display it as this 2015-08-28 without the time.



This is the perfect time to write a handlebars helper! Add this minor modification to your template:

{{#each claimsHistory}}
        {{formatTime lossDate "MM-DD-YYYY"}} 

Then in a HandlebarsHelpers.js file that you include in your app:

Handlebars.registerHelper('formatTime', function (date, format) {
    var mmnt = moment(date);
    return mmnt.format(format);

moment is a popular JavaScript library for manipulating dates. The helper shown here receives your date and a format string as passed by your template, creates a moment date object, then formats it according to your specified format strings. For more info on moment, including how to get various formats, go here: http://momentjs.com/docs/.

Of course, you could use vanilla JS date manipulation instead of Moment.js, but how you implement the helper is up to you.


You can use handlebars helpers. The following will help you achieve your goal.

  1. run the following on your terminal to add handlebars helpers to your config.json

    npm install --save handlebars-helpers
  2. Import the handlebar helper in your app.js using

    var helpers = require('handlebars-helpers')();
  3. Then in your handlebar template, you'll have

    {{#each claimsHistory}}
          {{moment lossDate format="YYYY-MM-DD"}} 

