What does the GUID in C# Programs in the AssemblyInfo.cs? [duplicate]

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-12-02 04:57:44


I'm wondering for what the GUID in the AssemblyInfo.cs in C# Programs is: [assembly: Guid("a4df9f47-b2d9-49a9-b237-09220857c051")]

The commentary says it's for COM objects, but why do they need a GUID? Is the GUID accessibly externally?

So if it's only for COMs, do you need a GUID when you set [assembly: ComVisible(false)]?


Guid (Globally unique identifier) is used to identify your component by outside world. When you write a project which is going to be used as COM (Component Object Model) you will have to give a unique name. For this reason you need to apply GUID attribute.

More info at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.interopservices.guidattribute.aspx

You can remove it if you won't be exposing it as COM on assembly level


All .Net assemblies have a GUID.
This attribute sets it; otherwise, it will be randomly generated by the compiler.

This GUID is not used by much.

