Install devDependencies on Heroku

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-11-25 06:08:42


I would like to have Heroku build my app after I push it so that I don't have to push the build folder up every time I make a change. However heroku only installs the dependencies from the package.json and grunt (my build tool) and all of its components are in devDependencies. I would like to keep them there where they belong. What's the workaround here?


Heroku by default installs only the production dependencies, ignoring the development dependencies under devDependencies.

Setting the npm production variable to false do the trick:

heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

More info are available at the Heroku Node.js Support page.


Keeping NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION true, I used Heroku's script hooks:

"scripts": {
  "heroku-prebuild": "export NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false; export NODE_ENV=; NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false NODE_ENV=development npm install --only=dev --dev",
  "heroku-postbuild": "export NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true; export NODE_ENV=production;",

(Finally) worked for me.


scripts": {
  "heroku-prebuild": "npm install --only=dev"

This was enough for me. Thanks to PixnBits for the hint about heroku-prebuild. Also - my problem was with babel. I ended up moving babel-preset-es2015 and other presets into dependencies otherwise babel complained about presets.

Update: 8/11/2017 I've been having trouble with this. It seems like things have changed (and npm is on 5.3 now). But what I see is that the heroku-prebuild script is getting run, and then the post-install script is getting run (but I was only trying to install -dev).

So what I have been doing that works is to just run:

heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

And just leave it set that way. I'd love a better solution.


To unintall dependencies you need to do these


    heroku config variable set


  2. Add heroku-prebuild:

    scripts": {
      "heroku-prebuild": "npm install"

    scripts": {
      "heroku-prebuild": "npm install --only=dev"


you can use this in your build script "build": "npm install --only=dev" should in case you still want to perform more operations e.g transpiling your code with babel you can do something like this "build": "npm install --only=dev && babel src --out-dir dist --copy-files"

