image is being used by stopped container

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-07-31 06:21:45


I am trying to delete a docker container by this command:

docker rmi <Image-Id>

Obviously, I have replaced the Image-Id by the Id I get using:

docker images

But I see the error below:

Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete <Image-ID> (must be forced) - image is being used by stopped container xxxxxxxxxxx


You can also use --force , -f Force removal of the image

If you use the -f flag and specify the image’s short or long ID, then this command untags and removes all images that match the specified ID.

  docker rmi -f <image_id> 


You need to delete the stopped container with docker rm, and then you can delete the image it uses with docker rmi.


You may also find that you have stopped containers that are causing the lock. Remove these first using:

docker rm  $(docker ps -q -a)

Here we are listing the docker processes by just the ID and then removing those; however, docker rm will only remove stopped containers.

Next go back and remove the images using:

docker image rm <image_id>


You must remove container first.
Forced is the last method to take.

#check container
docker ps -a

#remove container
docker rm containerID


Docker containers run on top of docker images, you can delete an image only if it is not attached to any container.! So you have to stop container and remove container then you can remove image id.

docker stop container-id and docker rm container-id

Then try removing image docker rmi image-id

Some extra info given in below link. Cheers.!


In addition to the other answers, I had the same issue using Docker for Mac but docker ps -a did not show any running containers. Running docker images shows:

docker/desktop-storage-provisioner   v1.0                605a0f683b7b        2 months ago        33.1MB   v1.15.5             1399a72fa1a9        6 months ago        159MB                v1.15.5             cbd7f21fec99        6 months ago        82.4MB            v1.15.5             e534b1952a0d        6 months ago        207MB            v1.15.5             fab2dded59dd        6 months ago        81.1MB
docker/kube-compose-controller       v0.4.23             a8c3d87a58e7        11 months ago       35.3MB
docker/kube-compose-api-server       v0.4.23             f3591b2cb223        11 months ago       49.9MB                   1.3.1               eb516548c180        16 months ago       40.3MB                      3.3.10              2c4adeb21b4f        17 months ago       258MB                     3.1                 da86e6ba6ca1        2 years ago         742kB

All of these images are used by the Docker app if you have Kubernetes enabled. In the Docker for Mac preferences, there is a section for Kubernetes. If you click "Show system containers (advanced)", they will appear in docker ps.

If you wish to delete these images, you need to disable Kubernetes via the Docker for Mac app, then try again.


In case docker rmi <image-id> didn't work, try this:

Stop all running containers

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

Remove all containers

docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Remove all images

docker rmi $(docker images -q)


If you have changed in the Dockerfile and if you are using docker compose, you can just rebuild your image by run docker-compose with the --build option !


If the goal is to reclaim disk space, another approach not yet mentioned is to use docker system prune. It will print a warning which should be heeded:

WARNING! This will remove:
  - all stopped containers
  - all networks not used by at least one container
  - all dangling images
  - all dangling build cache

This will not delete named images, but will purge intermediate unnamed images. Depending on the sizes of containers you're using, this can save a considerable amount of disk space.

